State of the Art Security
Handgun Carry Permit Course
If you are considering obtaining a handgun carry permit, the first place to start is with a handgun safety course that is certified by the department of safety, such as the handgun safety school offered by State of the Art Security.
The eight hour handgun safety class provides comprehensive training and upon completion, your scores will be entered into the online State system. After completing the course you will show proof of US citizen ship or lawful permanent residency at your local driver's license center and process your application. After completing this you will be instructed on how to be fingerprinted.
Please always refer to local and state law when possesing or carrying a firearm. A permit does not supercede such laws as TCA 39-17-1315 or TCA 39-17-1351.
Courses Price $90
Security Courses
Armed Security Course
Course Price $150
Unarmed Security Course
Course Price $65
Recertification Course
Course Price $70
Firearms Training
Basic Firearm course includes firearm safety, systems, and operation.
Course Price $50